Do you love OWTR?
If you love our videos, articles, downloads or other resources we’ve created and want to find a way to give back, please consider becoming a Patreon!

Why support us on patreon?
Being an independent creator and artist can be financially tricky . . . Hey, we moved into a van because of it! Patreon is making it easier!
Patreon is like Kickstarter & GoFundMe but instead of pledging a one time amount, you pledge a smaller reoccurring monthly amount (like $1, $5, $10 or more).
The more time we can spend on video creation, gathering information, blog posts, and songwriting, the better the content we can bring to YOU. And the more Patreons we have, the more we can do together! More videos, Q&As, downloadable plans, places visited, bus conversions . . . you name it! Essentially you are becoming our funding, freeing up our time so we can bring you more of what you want! We have so many things in the works right now that we can’t wait to show you!
Other ways to support us:
Thanks for being here
We appreciate our community so much! Thanks for being a part of Our Way to Roam. We can’t wait to show you what else we have in store!